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Mothers Day Event header graphic 2024

Enjoy celebrating Mothers Day with heart and soul

To ensure a beautiful experience, and that all our guests receive the best of our attention, tickets are limited to 20. So avoid FOMO, be quick to book your heart and soul experience today.

heART and Soul Retreat for Mothers Day


SPECIAL PRICE – Enter the following code at checkout to redeem discount on two tickets…  IAMLOVED!

LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE: book your ticket today

NOTE: more information included below

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HeART and Soul Retreat is what happens when a group of kind-hearted women, with a desire to help others heal and experience greater connection, confidence, and emotional well-being, join forces to bring you a mind, body, and soul retreat unlike any other. 

This beautifully grounded yet uplifting heART and Soul mini Retreat especially for Mother’s Day has been created with the ultimate in inclusiveness, with zero experience necessary as our facilitators gently guide you through the day.

A wide range of restorative sessions will be provided and shared with attendees including… 

  • ENERGISING BREATHWORK – by Nancy Koene of Heal2Flow
  • FUN AND EXPRESSIVE ART – by Bec Andrews of itsabec


  • A blissful 4 hours of connection and guidance.
  • All art supplies such as canvas, easel, paints, brushes and apron will be supplied for the Art session.
  • Light snacks will be provided to nourish from within and enjoy during the painting session. Please contact us if you have specific dietary requirements we need to accommodate.
  • Onsite car parking is available.


  • Emotionally, we would love for attendees to bring a positive, open mind and kind heart.
  • Drink bottle to stay hydrated (although beverages will be provided during breaks)
  • It is advised to dress in comfortable clothing suitable for light movement.
  • A yoga mat will be provided, but please feel free to bring along your own and any other items of comfort (blanket or pillow)


Upon booking your ticket to the retreat, please email with any dietary requirements.


DATE: Saturday May 11, 2024
TIME: 2:30pm to 6:30pm
(please arrive by 2:15pm to get settled and the event to kick off on time at 2:30pm)

  • 2:15 pm Guests arrive
  • 2:30 pm Welcome and Cacao Ceremony
  • 3pm Movement, Breathwork, Meditation and Sound Healing
  • 4pm Art session
  • 6pm Fire circle
  • 6:30 pm Event ends

Clearly, NOW is the time to

• reconnect • realign • recharge

with your heART

We look forward to welcoming and sharing a heart awakening experience with you too.  


Breathwork is a powerful way to consciously connect holistically to your body, opening channels for emotional, mental and physical healing, reducing anxiety, stress and depression this session will positively enrich your life. Nancy will guide you through a series of simple breathing techniques and meditation to allow you to connect with your life force energy and divine consciousness through breath and sound.

NLMM is an inquiry based somatic movement practice. This absolutely non-force method of “moving what you are feeling” sensitizes the practitioner to their inner landscape. The practice is done to music, mostly on the hands and knees. This position allows people to feel safe, grounded and free to move the areas that commonly hold tension. Very little instruction is given allowing the body to unfold and discover what is needed. This provides the opportunity to regain natural bodily intelligence, release tension, soothe the nervous system and open the way to more pleasure and aliveness. NLMM has been used successfully as a trauma release therapy by gently opening the freeze pattern which allows for release to happen.

NLMM is facilitated on a mat or blanket. Participants dress similar to a Yoga or Dance Class, in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

The method can be practiced at any age, fitness level and mobility. The movements are designed to be self regulating and can be done in any position, including laying down.

Making art can be such a fun escape from reality, plus it is also a powerful form of self expression and way to find your voice. Our resident heart and soul artist Bec Andrews, loves nothing more than guiding participants to make their very own artwork that resonates deeply with the individual creator, allowing their unique voice to shine. 

Bec is very hands on, teaching and encouraging participants to use different painting techniques, including colours, shapes , textures and patterns that resonate personally to each creator. Thereby, allowing each individual to reconnect to their inner voice, acknowledge inherent and often hidden gifts, and step more confidently into a future with greater heart connection.
Remember, there’s zero need for any art experience or skills. Simply bring an open mind and Bec will help you create an artwork that resonates deeply with you, helping provide active healing and a visual reminder of your personal journey.

warmly inviting you to...



Nancy from Breathe Strength

Nancy Koene is our restorative and energising facilitator specialising in BREATHWORK and SPINAL FLOW...


(click for info)


Nancy has always had an extreme passion for natural health and well-being. After first experiencing the power of breathwork during a retreat she attended 10 years ago, she used this technique to alleviate her anxiety struggles during a traumatic marriage breakdown. She was absolutely astounded how this powerful transformational technique was able to release negative emotional energy and was able to bridge a deep physical and spiritual connection just through breathing consciously. Breathwork saved her life. Nancy has two breathwork teacher certifications and also in sound healing. She is currently extending her knowledge in energy blockage and healing studying to be a certified practitioner in Spinal Flow.

a quick intro video from NANCY...

a smidge more about Nancy...

Nancy furthered her practice and study of breathwork and sound healing, she felt this was a beautiful way to align herself with purpose, bringing her great fulfilment to share and help others through breathwork.  She has been facilitating group and one on one sessions for the past year from her private home studio and at the Inna Essence studio in Underwood.

Nancy has two beautiful teenage daughters and works fulltime as an event coordinator, her dreams are to bring more stillness and peace into many people’s lives.

Breathwork is a powerful way to consciously connect holistically to your body, opening channels for emotional, mental and physical healing, reducing anxiety, stress and depression this session will positively change your life.

Nancy will guide you through a series of simple breathing techniques and meditation to allow you to connect with your life force energy and divine consciousness through breath and sound.


Sandi White profile pic

Sandi White is our mind and body freeing facilitator sharing the power of GENTLE GUIDED MEDITATION and SOMATIC MOVEMENT...


(click for info)


Sandi is a Brisbane based meditation teacher. She has been practicing yoga and meditation for over 20 years. She teaches people how to connect with their inner peace, release blocked energy in the body and live a connected life. She is passionate about self-empowerment. Her methods teach you how to reconnect to your inner self. The beautiful, creative, magnificent being inside us all. Sandi has completed 110 hours Meditation Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra. She is a Member of the Meditation Association of Australia. Sandi is a Non-Linear Movement Method® teacher and is more than happy to provided One on one mentoring available on request.

a quick intro video from SANDI...

a smidge more about NLMM...

Non Linear Movement Method (NLMM) is an inquiry based somatic movement practice. This absolutely non-force method of “moving what you are feeling” sensitizes the practitioner to their inner landscape. The practice is done to music, mostly on the hands and knees. This position allows people to feel safe, grounded and free to move the areas that commonly hold tension. Very little instruction is given allowing the body to unfold and discover what is needed. This provides the opportunity to regain natural bodily intelligence, release tension, soothe the nervous system and open the way to more pleasure and aliveness. NLMM has been used successfully as a trauma release therapy by gently opening the freeze pattern which allows for release to happen.

NLMM is facilitated on a mat or blanket. Participants dress similar to a Yoga or Dance Class, in comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

The method can be practiced at any age, fitness level and mobility. The movements are designed to be self regulating and can be done in any position, including laying down.

One on one mentoring available on request.


bec wearing einstein shirt on stairs square

Bec Andrews is our expressive and fun facilitator specialising in helping others tap into their creative side...


(click for info)


Bec is a vibrant artist who loves creating unique artwork that empowers emotion, enhances moods and enriches peoples lives. For over 18 years, Bec has been head honcho of her own art and graphic design studio itsabec. She is mum to two boys (three if you include the pooch). Plus for the past five years Bec has been renovating their family home amongst the treetops, one mural at a time.

a quick intro video from BEC...

a smidge more about BEC...

Bec loves hosting special events within her artful home, as well as personally facilitating the ART session.

For the retreat, Bec will be guiding participants to use the powerful energy conjured during the day to create an artwork that reflects and empowers the individual.

As part of the healing process, participants will be guided through the expressive method of painting intuitively from the heart in order to unleash your creative side.

Remember, there’s zero need for any art experience or skills. Simply bring an open mind and Bec will be as attentive, and as hands-on as possible to help you create an artwork that resonates deeply with you personally, helping provide active healing and a visual reminder of your unique journey.

Catch a sneak peak of the joyful experiences people have been loving...

BREATHWORK sessions with heart and soul...

SELF DIRECTED HEALING sessions with heart and soul...

ARTWORK sessions with heart and soul...

If you are a heart driven individual, ready to align with your inner self and up-level to receive a divine heartfelt experience, then time out with the heart and soul tribe is just what you need.

We welcome you to join us...